Toothache....That's what I have. It settled on me Friday night while sleeping. I rubbed my gums and cried like a kid hoping that someone (Bruce, preferably) would come to my rescue and care for me. But I'm the Mom so I had to drag myself out of bed to fetch my own pain killing drugs.
I cheerfully faked my way through my Saturday craft show peddling Gourmet Hot Chocolate and Dip Mixes. Behind every "Have a Merry Christmas" was a reminder of my throbbing tooth.
Sunday, my day of rest, I opted out of church to nurse my aching jaw. "Thank heavens I can call the dentist tomorrow for some relief" where my constant thoughts.
Monday AM I am told the Doctor can not see me until Tuesday. I'm not sure if I can mentally take another day of aching pain. I have places to go and things to do...pain free of coarse. Heck it was only 24 days until Christmas. Not much time for a Mom of 3 to accomplish a Christmas morning miracle! I need to get this fixed! Add another bottle of Advil to the shopping list.
Tuesday the blessed day has arrived. Nervously I enter the dental office in little White House, TN pop. 7000, expecting to see an old fashioned dental office (or a the very least outdated). Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised by the modern, up to date office, friendly staff and technologically savvy dental equipment. Digital x-rays were taken and the verdict was announced....a root canal. "How does Wednesday look for you?" the dentist asked. "Seriously, another day of this pain?" I thought to myself. "How are you with Percocet?" I hear from Dr. Jones. Maybe I can handle another day.
Wednesday I dress comfortably for my long awaited root canal. I even pad into the office wearing my slippers! The goal is as little discomfort as possible. The dental assistant administers the gas and I drift off to la la land for a couple of hours while the decaying roots of my throbbing molar are drilled away.
It's a full week later and although I no longer have excruciating pain in my upper jaw, I still can not use the left side of my mouth to chew.
I See... Spiritual Resurrection!
7 years ago
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